Women's Health Articles
Colon Cancer Screening Tips
If you are 50 or older, it's time to be tested for colon cancer. In addition to screening you can reduce your risk for colon cancer by eating a healthy diet, exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes daily, maintain a healthy weight, and avoid smoking. Go to the following...
Birth Control Pill Reaches 50-year Milestone
The birth control pill, the most studied medication in the world, reaches its 50-year milestone this month. Originally intended solely for pregnancy prevention…
Essure® Offers What No Other Birth Control Does…
Performed in our office in less than an hour, Essure offers women what no other permanent birth control option does… a proven solution that doesn’t require hormones, cutting, going under general anesthesia, or slowing down to recover. Trusted by women and doctors for...
HPV Vaccine – What Nebraska Women Need to Know
By Sarah Cada, MD Chair, Section on Women’s Health - Nebraska Medical Association In 2006, the Food and Drug Administration approved the first ever vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. The HPV vaccine, formally known as Gardasil®, helps prevent cervical cancer,...
Why Vitamin D is Important to Your Health
Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium. Calcium is necessary to build strong bones. The three main sources of vitamin D are sunlight, food and supplements/medications. Your skin makes vitamin D from the ultra-violet light (UVB rays) in sunlight. Your body is able...
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
What does it mean, and why me? At it’s core, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is a fairly complex hormonal situation, which involves alteration in the way that the hormones produced by the ovaries and brain communicate, and sometimes changes in insulin...
Breast Cancer Awareness
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The chance of developing invasive breast cancer at some time in a woman's life is a little less than 1 in 8 (12%). The American Cancer Society estimates that 207,090 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be...
Pre-Pregnancy Checkup
Congratulations! You have decided to have a baby. Have you considered making an appointment with your doctor to discuss how to physically and mentally prepare for this life changing event? Here are a few things to start thinking about: Start taking a prenatal vitamin...
Self Breast Examination
The Why and How October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a good time to remind ourselves about what we can do to lower our own risk of breast cancer, and help to catch it early if it is present. Knowing your own body is important in the fight for early diagnosis, and...
Cord Blood Awareness
What is cord blood? Cord blood refers to the blood in the umbilical cord and placenta following delivery. Cord blood collection is easy and painless. Cord blood contains stem cells (not embryonic stem cells) that are used to treat some illnesses including cancer. ...
What’s New in Birth Control?
Two new forms of contraception are available at Gynecology and Fertility, PC that give you either long term birth control or permanent birth control.
Menopause and Mood: Is it just me?
Between ages 40 and 50, most women begin to have changes in hormone levels that eventually lead to menopause.